Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio-economic development

Fellowship & Membership

The Academy comprises of Foundation Fellows, Fellows, Foreign Fellows and Members, according to the following criteria:

  1. Founding Fellows are the eminent scientists borne on the Register of the Academy as Fellows immediately prior to the coming in force of Charter of the Academy.
  2.  Fellows are Pakistani scientists, eminent for their original contribution to science, who are elected according to the procedure laid down in Bye-Laws of the Academy. Not more than five Fellows may be elected during any one year until the total numbers of Fellows reaches the limit of one hundred.
  3. Members are Pakistani scientists who have made substantial contributions to science, and who are nominated as Members according to the procedure laid down in Bye-Laws of the Academy.
  4. Not more than three Members may be nominated in any one year until the total number reaches the limit of fifty.
  5. Foreign Fellows are scientists who are nationals of countries other than Pakistan, and who are eminent for their contributions to science, and who are elected according to the procedure laid down in the Bye-Laws of the Academy. Not more than three Foreign Fellows may be elected in any one year until the total number of Foreign Fellows reaches the limit of thirty.

The procedure for the election of Fellows, Members and Foreign Fellows is laid down in the Bye-Laws


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