M. Waheed Akhtar

Current Position | School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore-54590 | Phone No. | 042-99230970 |
Born in | Lahore, Pakistan in 05/01/1944 | Year Elected | 1998 |
[email protected] |
University of the Punjab Lahore Pakistan BSc (Hons) 1965 MSc 1966University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland PhD 1973 Biochemical SeparationSchool Uppsala Sweden Diploma in Biochemical Research Methods 1981
Positions Held
2002 to date Director Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1996 to 2004Dean Faculty of Sciences 2002-2004 Meritorious Professor 2000 to date DirectorPlanning and Development 1996 to 2004 Institute of Chemistry Professor1984-1996 Associate Professor 1982-1984 Assistant Professor 1970-1982Lecturer 1967-1970 Visiting Professor Department of BiochemistryBiotechnology Center Cornell University Ithaca USA 1989-1990 Visiting Scientist Cornell University USA 1987 Consultant United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Visiting Faculty Trinity College DublinIreland 1984-19861988
King Baudouin Award International Foundation for Science Sweden 1993Tamgha-i-Imtiaz Government of Pakistan 1999 Senior Fulbright Research Fellowship 1989-90 British Council Award 1994 HEC Best Teacher Award 2003
Fellowships / Memberships
Honorary Fellow Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyMember Council Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) 1995 to date Member Council International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Member FAOBMB Fellowship AwardCommittee Secretary General Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1991 to date Member Editorial Board Science Technologyand Development PCST Islamabad 1997 to date Chairman Organizing Committee 18th FAOBMB Symposium Nov 20-23 2005 Lahore PakistanMember New York Academy of Sciences
Research Area
Biochemistry Molecular Biology and applications of Commercial Enzymes and Growth Hormones of Farm Animals characterization of Protein Markers for Early Diagnosis of Diseases