Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio-economic development

Science Cooperation MoU signed between Latvia and Pakistan

A delegation from Latvian Academy of Sciences visited Pakistan Academy of Sciences to formalize arrangements for mutual cooperation and collaboration and for building broad-based, substantive and long-term relationship with Pakistan Academy of Sciences in a wide array of scientific and technological disciplines. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation between Science Academies of the two countries was signed on March 22, 2016 in a well attended ceremony at PAS Headquarters, Islamabad by the President of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ojar SPARITIS and the President of Pakistan Academy of Sciences,Dr. Anwar Nasim. Dr. SPARITIS, apprised the audience that by working on fundamental and applied sciences with innovative S&T we can stay competitive in the world. He offered collaboration in all areas of S&T by way of joint projects, reciprocal visits of scientists, and joint conferences.

Dr. Anwar Nasim, welcomed the initiative and the offer of collaboration between scientists and scientific institutions of the two countries and assured the visiting dignitaries from Latvia of all out support and cooperation from the Pakistani side. He shared his eagerness for a productive and mutually beneficial collaboration for a win-win situation for both the countries. The Secretary General of PAS, Prof. Zabta K. Shinwari, briefed the audience about the background and objectives of the Academy. He said that the Academy has a catalytic role in economic development of the country by way of promoting S&T by forging and facilitating working relations between Pakistani and foreign scientific institutions. The MoU signing ceremony was attended by senior scientists, young faculty members and postgraduate students

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