Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio-economic development

Council Meeting September 28, 2024
Symposium on Climate Change and Health and Development Consequences in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities
Symposium on Climate Change and Health and Development Consequences in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities
The 25th Conference of The Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS) on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus for the Security of the OIC Countries
China Pakistan Joint International Symposium on “The Economically important plants of the Himalayas – a shared wealth of Pakistan and China”
Felicitation Ceremony for PAS Fellows Receiving Civil Awards (April 22, 2024)
ANSO-PAS-MAAP Conference on “Pathogen transmission beyond borders: Understanding the complexities of cross-species infectious diseases”
PAS Lahore Office (Punjab University)
PAS General Body Meeting November 27, 2021
National Science Day (NSD) 29-01-2021

Message From President

First of all, my very sincere gratitude to the Fellows of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) for electing me as President of the Academy for the term 2024-2026. I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of all my predecessors in streamlining the scientific program of the Academy during their respective terms for uplifting the scientific outputs and status of the Academy among the arena of other similar science academies world-wide. Since its inception in 1953, the Pakistan Academy of Sciences has been playing a pivotal role in promoting innovation in scientific, academic, and technological output for socio-economic development in the country and the Academy needs to make this effort a sustainable one. Presently, the Academy has on its roll some 86 Pakistani Fellows, 37 Foreign Fellows, and 30 Pakistan national Members. Their achievements are well recognized by the Government of Pakistan in terms of 3 Nishan-i-Imtiaz, 14 Hilal-i-Imtiaz, and 34 Sitara-i-Imtiaz apart from many Pride of Performance and Tamgha-i-Imtiaz decorated scientists. The achievements of PAS are well narrated on the website of the Academy ( To date, PAS has signed MoUs with over 20 Academies of Science, worldwide. Some of these MoUs are quite productive such as the MoU with Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), and the Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS). Presently, the Academy is working to sign the MoUs with Tajikistan and Belarus through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Pakistan. Under the ongoing PSDP Project awarded by Planning Commission of Pakistan in March 2020, the Academy has created state of the art facilities at its Secretariat including Video-Conferencing Facility Rooms, Scientific Advice to Government Unit (Policy Unit) to assist the government stakeholders (Ministries) for compilation, review, and upgradation of national policies by the Fellows of the Academy. Through this project, the Academy has organized several national & international science conferences and awarded grants for research, travel, and conference participation and revision of curricula of various science subjects. Under the present economic situation in the country, the newly elected PAS Council has a role to play for the socio-economic uplift of the country whereby, the Council with the support of talent pool of the Academy may foster efforts to invest in research, education, and regional collaboration for sustainability, resilience, and human well-being in the country. 

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