Amir Muhammed

Current Position | Phone No. | (92-51) 2855032 | |
Born in | Udaipur, British India in 02/04/1930 | Year Elected | 1979 |
[email protected] |
University of the Punjab Pakistan BSc (Hons) 1952 MSc (Hons) 1953 OxfordUniversity UK DPhil 1959
Positions Held
Rector, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, 2000-2017; President, Asianics Agro-
Development International, 1990 to date; Founder Chairman, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and Federal
Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of Pakistan, 1978-1990; Advisor to President (Federal Minister), 1977-78; Vice
Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 1974-1978; Director, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB),
Faisalabad, 1969-1974; Research Associate, Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. USA, 1963-66;
Principal Scientific Officer and Head Biology Division, Pakistan Atomic Energy Center, Lahore, 1966-1969; Senior Research
Officer, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), Lahore, 1959-1961.
Gold Medal by Prime Minister (1989) PARC Silver Jubilee Award (2006) FAOLife Time Achievement Award (2002) Gold Medal in MSc (1953) and OmanPrize in BSc (Hons) (1952) from Punjab University Academic Roll of HonorGovernment College Lahore Merit ScholarshipPostgraduate Research OxfordUniversity UK 1956-1959
Fellowships / Memberships
President Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science 2000-2002President Pakistan Academy of Sciences 1992-1996 President Scientific Society ofPakistan 1976-77) Member BOG International Centre for Integrated MountainDevelopment (ICIMOD Kathmandu)Chairman BOG Sustainable DevelopmentPolicy Institute (SDPI) Chairman BOG ISNAR (The Hague) Member TechnicalAdvisory Committee CGIAR Member BOG of ICARDA (Syria) IWMI (Colombo) CIP(Lima) IFDC (USA) Member BOG PARC Member Scientific Planning Group ofAPN (Kobe) Member Scientific Steering Committee of START (Washington)Chairman Pakistan Vice Chancellors Committee 1976-77
Research Area
Biochemistry Molecular and Radiation Biology Agricultural Development